Morton's List: The End To Boredom Summary

Designer: Robert William Bruce, Richard Jess Deneaux, Nathan Andren Fostey

Publisher: Dark Carnival Games LLC

Year Published: July 13, 2001

Paperback: 402 pages

# of players: 3 or more players

Playing Time: unknown

Suggested Age: 13 and older

Category: the first Real Life Game (RLG)

Website: www.mortonslist.com

The Morton's List Box Set contains:

Morton's List started as a plain notebook full of ideas of things to do. When Jumpsteady, Violent J, Shaggy, Alex, and other various members of Psychopathic Records would get bored they would pull out this notebook some dice and roll. This kept finding shit to do fun and exciting. Over the years the List started evolving into tables and categories. With the help of Twilight Lords Nathaninja and Tall Jess Morton's List has expanded outside the Juggalo world and is a cult phenomena.
On Friday the 13th in July 2001 at the second Gathering of the Juggalos in Toledo, OH Morton's List was dropped on the Juggalo world like and atom bomb.

Never again will you ponder the question, “We’re bored, what do we wanna do?” Morton’s List is the answer, breaking free of the limits of all other games. There is no playing board but the ground you walk on. There are no imaginary characters or scores—only the players, and the real activities set forth by Morton’s List. Those of weak disposition be warned; when you play this game you may get more than you bargained for.

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