Designer: Nathan Andren, R. Jesse Deneaux
Publisher: The SuperiCore Group
Year Published: December 07, 2007
Paperback: 100 pages
Write the book of your random reality...
Do you dream of living a life exciting enough to write memoirs about?
Random Reality is your wake up call. Play Morton's List and trade your boredom for adventure, then use this Quest Book to document where the game takes you. Once set into motion by the Morton Boulder, the ensuing results are often unbelievable, usually wig-flipping, occasionally eye-opening and always completely random. Inside are the stories of these real-life Quests, waiting to be written.
Quest Book is your...
This Quest Book is your book, for you to fill with your real-life adventures, around the block or around the world - wherever Morton's List takes you.
Chronicle it all here - for yourself, for your friends, for Karma.